Episode 173 | The 10 Books Every Business Owner Should Read

podcast s-16 Jun 02, 2023

Hooray! This week I get to talk about one of my absolute favourite things… BOOKS. Books have, over the years, been one of the greatest sources of learning for me when it comes to the tools and knowledge required to grow a successful business. I have revisited these ten books many times since starting my first business 11 years ago, and they’re the books I recommend most often to my community. In this episode, I talk through the books, the biggest takeouts I had from them, and how they have changed my life and business. For ease, I’ll share the titles here in the show notes too:

  1. The Ultimate Sales Machine, Chet Holmes
  2. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni
  3. Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert
  4. Purple Cow, Seth Godin
  5. Do The Work, Steven Pressfield
  6. The Five Second Rule, Mel Robbins
  7. Mastering The Rockefeller Habits, Verne Harnish
  8. Thrive, Arianna Huffington
  9. Chill & Prosper, Denise Duffield-Thomas
  10. How I Built This, Guy Raz

I also mention in this episode that there are just FIVE spots left on my Bali retreat in October. Visit my website - lorrainemurphy.com.au - to find out more about it.