$29 (Inc GST)

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Goalsetting & Goalgetting Playbook

In this Playbook, I pull back the curtains to share with you the process I use to identify my own goals, and that I share with my one-on-mentees.

Templates included are:

  • Dream Lifestyle
  • Five Year Vision
  • One Year Vision
  • Annual Goals
  • 90 Day Plan
  • The Person I Need To Be
  • Commitment To Myself
  • Momentum Builders


A bonus audio support pack valued at $29!


  • 5 year vision guided visualisation
  • 1 year vision guided visualisation
  • Get Motivated pep talk
  • Find Your Confidence pep talk
  • Overcome Imposter Syndrome pep talk 

After you've worked through the Playbook, you’ll have your 2024 goals complete, and your very own Goals Playbook at your fingertips that you can use year after year.

Your playbook will be delivered to your email immediately after purchase.